Sequins and Baubles! By Clare

Don't wait to get fit to have fun!

Sequins and Baubles! By Clare

Sequins and Baubles – My First Hafla by Clare

I was asked to perform at my first hafla, the Sequins and Baubles Winter Hafla in Newcastle, as part of the Moonlight Minxes dance troup (cue jokes about how ‘I didn’t *hafla* do it if I didn’t want to’ at my apprehension about performing in front of a real live audience, and not just the dance studio mirrors).

But my fears were misplaced – there was a very warm and lively atmosphere and everyone was extremely supportive of one IMG_5141another. Dancers of all levels of ability were invited, and all of them dancing in various styles of belly dancing.
It was nice to be able to identify some of the things I’d learned in my classes, from the saidi rhythms, to some of the more advanced movements I struggle with (like chonks and reverse camels), and it was great to see props included in some of the dancing – it’s not always easy to fit veil and cane work into the class space, and Isis wings often nigh on impossible.

We were also treated to different styles of aerial arts performed on stage – some of the tricks and tumbles were spectacular;
it was both terrifying and incredible to watch!

The Blackfriars Centre was a lovely, clean and spacious location. The performances were thoroughly enjoyable, and were spaced out with boogie breaks, where the audience could join in and pick up some moves from the performers, all accompanied by a live musician.

All in all, a wonderfully entertaining evening!

Clare x


A big thank you to Farida Dance for organising the event

For Aerial Classes – Join Us at Tempest Dance Studio!

For Bellydance Classes across the North East check out:

To join the Moonlight Minxes find out more here!
