Why not me?

Don't wait to get fit to have fun!

Why not me?

Why not me?

We have all at one time or another suffered from ‘imposter syndrome’. Maybe you look around at others in the same line of work as you and think that you’re not in their league and that you are out of your depth. Maybe you sometimes think that you should do something else rather than what you love because you’re ‘just not good enough’.
Our minds can often work against us, coming up with so many excuses to prevent us doing what we want to do.

I was a secondary school teacher, I had trained hard to become a teacher getting a degree in my late 30s, teacher training at 40 and I was a very good teacher, I loved my job. But then I went to my first Pole class at Tempest and everything changed.

When I first bought Tempest Dance studio I was embarrassingly new to Pole so I said to everyone ‘…but I definitely won’t be teaching’. I remember a family member saying to me ‘But why not you? Why don’t you take the instructor courses and teach classes yourself’. I listened and it was the best thing I ever did.

However as I began training as a Pole Instructor I doubted myself…’who am I to do this?’, ‘what could I possibly offer?’

When you find yourself in this position it’s important to remind yourself that you are not saying ‘I am the best at Pole come and learn from me’ but that Pole has changed your life for the better and you now want to have the opportunity to share that amazing feeling with others! Remember, you personally witnessed a transformation within yourself when you started your ‘pole journey’, THAT is your credential, that is what you can share, why would you choose to keep that to yourself?
Listen to the positive voices around you that tell you that you can do it. I thank all of the amazing instructors we have had (and currently have) at Tempest for being part of this positivity!

I also remember when I had been teaching for about a year expressing my feelings of inadequacy to the amazing Jambo – (check him out, listen to his words, get to one of his classes). He probably wont even remember the conversation never mind the impact he had but he told me that I was ‘a natural teacher’ and that was my role in life to teach. He said that I shouldn’t doubt my teaching ability because I don’t have to be able to do it all to teach it all. His words stuck with me; I might not be able to demonstrate some moves but I can break them down for you verbally and I can teach and coach you.

Over the years I have watched some of my beginner Polers progress to be so much better than me and I am so proud that I helped them to do that. Never doubt yourself when your students abilities surpass your own, celebrate it and be proud of them and be proud of yourself.

At Tempest we have students currently working towards their instructor qualifications in Pole & Aerial.

  • Do you want to join them?
  • Do you have a passion to teach?
  • Are you a natural leader?

You might just have what it takes to be a part of the Tempest team of instructors.

Get in touch with us now if you remember how inspired you felt in your first Pole or Aerial class and if you want to be able to inspire others through teaching at Tempest.

Where can I train to be an instructor?

Spin City Pole & Aerial

Pole Passion Pole

X-Pert Pole & Aerial

Nimble Arts Aerial