Covid-19 Hygiene Policy

Don't wait to get fit to have fun!

At Tempest Dance Studio (Durham & Washington) we have implemented the below hygiene policy to help stop the spread of Covid-19 at this point. We would ask that all students, instructors and other visitors to the studio abide by the below policy at all times. Failure to do so may result in removal from the studio with any future attendance suspended without a refund.
PERSONAL HYGIENE*Wash hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds. This should be done as a minimum on entering and leaving the studio at Washington and in the main building at Durham, after going to the bathroom and after coughing or sneezing. Handwashing stations are marked on the studio floorplan. *Use hand sanitiser gel as an alternative to soap and water. Sanitiser will be available but please bring your own where possible. *Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm when you cough and sneeze *Put the used tissue in the bin immediately and wash your hands *Wear a face covering in situations where it is not possible to continually socially distance. Parents are asked to wear masks in children’s classes. *Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth while at the studio *Avoid any close personal contact (hugs etc…) and follow our social distancing policy *Avoid touching any ‘high contact’ areas where possible such as door handles
EQUIPMENT*Only use the equipment you have been assigned to for the class *Avoid touching any other equipment unnecessarily *Only use the cleaning products provided for your piece of equipment *Please ensure you have your own grip aid – studio grip will not be available during this time. Towels to clean kit will be provided – you may bring a small body towel.
COMMON AREAS*Common areas including toilet facilities at Washington will be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly before, during and after class. Please take extra care when using the toilet facilities at Durham as this is a shared space. This also extends to door handles, light switches and other high contact areas *Please wait outside in a socially distanced queue or in your vehicle before class until your instructor calls you in. *Do not gather/wait at the seated area at Washington – seats are removed. *Do not gather on the landing at Durham. You may line up at a 2 metre distance but be aware that there are other studios on that landing so waiting in the car park is preferred.
WASTE*Please ensure all waste is disposed of safely in the bin *Please wash your hands or use sanitiser after disposing of waste
VENTILATION*Fans will be on and doors/windows open for the duration of your class. Please do not touch fans or close windows/doors. *Please let an instructor know if you would like them adjusted
STUDENT STORAGE*Please leave all non-essential items in your car, or your home – only bring to the studio exactly what you need for your class. *Do not bring a bag or coat where possible. *Shoes must be left at the entrance to Washington and in the individual cubes at Durham. No outdoor shoes to be worn in either studio.
RIGGING*Please do not touch or adjust any rigging above your equipment.  
HYDRATION*Please ensure you bring your own filled water bottle with you for class. You will not be permitted to fill your water bottles from the taps at Washington.